Review From People Who Tried the Plant Paradox


Comments (27)

The Found Paradox

the Hidden Dangers in "healthy" Foods That Cause Disease and Weight Proceeds

What did y'all call up about this title?

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Jan 28, 2022 cadboy rated this title iii out of five stars

There is a lot of good science in this volume, unfortunately the basic premise of his diet is not one of them, to avoid foods with lectin. Keep in mind the people he sees accept serious health bug, invariably obesity is 1 of them. So…

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Oct 27, 2021 LoganLib_JennyI rated this title 3.5 out of v stars

The general thought of The Establish Paradox is that some foods that are traditionally considered healthy, are really quite bad for united states, due to their loftier lectin content. These include wheat, all fruits, legumes such as beans, peas, peanuts,…

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Jul 20, 2021 claude13 rated this title 5 out of five stars

so insightful....really connects the dots...I've adopted his suggestions since a year and the results have been amazing. yep he sells supplements say all the nay sayers bla bla blah plough on the tv already

Sep 17, 2020 wingertdj rated this championship 3.5 out of five stars

While reading Dr. Steven R. Gundry, MD's "The Plant Paradox: The Hidden Dangers in "Healthy" Foods That Cause Illness and Weight Proceeds" I had a lot of "duh, of course" moments. It fabricated perfect sense. He explains why many supposedly…

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Nov xix, 2019 ksha1 rated this championship three out of 5 stars

I think that this volume is quite interesting. The book seems to be getting some mixed reviews about Dr. Gundry and his diet programme. I read the book to get some information near his nutrition plan and what he believed was "leaky gut syndrome". The…

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Just near everything in this volume has been "canned" by very credible scientists. Practise non recommend reading. And, you should also be enlightened that the author is into the supplement game, so his writings are non completely unbiased.


Apr 28, 2019 jillandpeterslibrary rated this title 1 out of 5 stars

Catchy title! BEWARE this is very heavy reading and total of bamboozling jargon. He has very persuasive reasoning. Once through information technology, you go to only another fad cookbook devised by somebody else. He says himself that he lost weight when…

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as health practitioner, the info. on lectin is very true IF one eats gallons of beans, etc. without soaking them and cooking them (preferably pressure level cooking) properly, otherwise his diet is placebo.

Apr xiii, 2019 Jbo973 rated this title v out of 5 stars

This volume has been a life-changer for me, many friends, and family unit members. Besides losing a lot of weight, becomming pain free, and having more energy than I've had in 20 years, the menu of foods to choose from is fantastic! I don't want…

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Reco by Learninghowtolearn(LHTL) newsletter

I am blest with skillful health and now in my 70'ies I want to do everything possible to proceed information technology. First on my bucket list is stay away from doctors equally a first resort. They are just going to give you a pill which yous may not need. First requite…

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Jan 26, 2019 Edward_56 rated this title 4.v out of 5 stars

This is a fantastic book! The authors weblog gives yous more of a flavour what he has to say. It is updated regularly with valuable new blog posts and pod casts.

Interesting If I had a severe medical problem, I would endeavour it. Seems like a radical eating program.

Dec 06, 2018 LizzieCent rated this championship 0.v out of 5 stars

Discoveries only he has made!? Oh, and he sells supplements too . . . I think this guy is probably a quack - I hope so because is approach is so restrictive, how could anyone follow it?

I like this author and this volume. I recommend learning information technology'south lessons. Most of us have heard of gluten--a protein found in wheat that causes widespread inflammation in the body. Americans spend billions of dollars on gluten-free diets in an…

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Oct 02, 2018 Inga57 rated this title four out of five stars

Kindle immersion read. Skip the audio and go right for the copy, of which I highlighted much of. For anyone suffering from leaky gut acquired by chronic inflammation, food allergies, or an autoimmune disease, this volume is for you. Dr.…

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Aug 28, 2018 zipread rated this title iii.five out of 5 stars

The basic premise here is that plants protect themselves and their seed-offspring with a protein called lectins (think gluten) These tin can make you ill --- either short term or long term. These sicknesses ranging from sore tummy to a whole…

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Jul 31, 2018 alexkane8 rated this title ane out of 5 stars

this volume is straight up fake science. He shows no real evidence for his outlandish claims and for his expensive product line. He even claims lectins are the cause of cancer, which there is some real research showing lectin protein may…

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Mar 25, 2018 reiyos rated this title 5 out of 5 stars

Experience better in 3 days and then better and betTER and BETTER!! Great volume. It works!

Jan 22, 2018 BraveNOTPerfect rated this championship 2 out of 5 stars

Definitively read this book. Or even better, listen to information technology, because it is much easer to "digest" this newest and hottest diet on the market. I am confused and you lot will be too. Do your reasearch before you start whatever drastic change…

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Jan 04, 2018 Wattage rated this title 4 out of 5 stars

The pitfalls of food these days seem likewise numerous to contemplate, however this volume is a sound read with information nosotros should probably all be aware of.

Dec 21, 2017 elliskirsch rated this title 0.5 out of 5 stars

Beware of any nutritional expert who claims to have unique knowledge, particularly when they sell supplements reinforcing their unique knowledge. Run into for in…

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November 26, 2017 gaetanlion rated this championship five out of 5 stars

Gundry is role of the low carb revolution, but he goes farther. That is considering he reduces or eliminates about animal proteins, especially meats. He indicates there is a strong negative correlation between health and the amount of animal…

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Oct 11, 2017 nothot rated this championship three out of 5 stars

I wasn't very impressed with this book, there are many on this topic that are better. The authors Sarah Ballantyne, Mickey Trescott and Angie Alt present their ideas far more coherently. However some of the basic premise holds true in…

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